With Love, Your Virtual Esthetician

I would first like to begin by expressing to you my deep gratitude for the opportunity to be with you on your journey of looking and feeling your very best.

Skin health and wellness is a lifestyle that is developed through the choices that we make, including developing certain habits like what we eat and drink and of course the products that we use on our skin.

Skin behaves differently throughout the year. Some variables that influence skin behavior include the changing seasons, stress and hormone fluctuations to mention a few.

Nature Pure products cater to specific skin types and concerns. We do not believe in a cookie-cutter approach to skincare.

I am excited to share with you my extensive knowledge and expertise in everything skin, beauty, and wellness, and the many practices, techniques, and methods I implement and recommend on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, find balance and accentuate the most beautiful vibrant looking you.

Click Here to Complete the Online Skin Consultation Form.
(Get $5.00 toward your next order after submitting your consultation form.

Let me help. I invite your skin, wellness and beauty related questions, concerns, and input.

Tell me what you would like to learn more about. Comment below.

I look forward to connecting with you, and hope to see you soon either at our main office in Staten Island, NY or at one of our upcoming events.


With Love, 

Victoria Tabak, CEO, Two-Time International Award-Winning Esthetician, MBA, BBA, NY/NJ LE, Educator, and Oncology Trained.

Find me on Instagram & Facebook.


“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” 
 Betty Friedan

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