If One Hurts, We All Hurt

Dear Friends,

My heart aches over what happened last week. The unrest, stress, anxiety, grief, anger, and fear resonate with all of us.

To our dear Black Nature Pure family, colleagues, business owners and customers, we’re listening, we hear you, and we stand with you as allies and friends.

In Staten Island, New York, we are here for our Black professionals and will continue to engage one another on matters of race and inclusion.

We are all humans, but greater than that, I believe we are spiritual beings all connected and part of a whole. No matter how strong the individual parts may be, strength is conditional because sooner or later the weakest link breaks if not reinforced.

My family and I left the Soviet Union to America 29 years ago as a discriminated minority because of our religion, we were conditioned to hide who we were, with the exception that our religion was written as our nationality in our passports. No one should have to hide or feel less than!

It’s hard to believe that two decades have passed since the time that I as the vice president of the E.R.A.S.E. (End Racism and Sexism Everywhere) club in my high school, stood with my black brothers and sisters to impact change for our black community, and yet, still here we are today.

As a Mom of 3 young kids, it breaks my heart to even imagine that parents of black children have to teach and condition their children that feeling safe is a luxury, this needs to stop. No one should have to live a life in fear, hopelessness or oppression.

Nature Pure, although a small family-owned business is inclusive and culturally diverse, including our team and our professional training for estheticians. We are deeply grateful for our African American spa partners, estheticians and customers.

Our mission to elevate the soul through skin wellness has focused on raising awareness surrounding selfcare by educating, inspiring, and uplifting.

Together we can make a difference.


With Love

Victoria Tabak, CEO Nature Pure Labs 

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