Cannabis in Skin Care in a Nutshell!

CBD also known as cannabidiol is extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant species which includes marijuana & hemp.

Unlike with marijuana, where THC also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, has psycho-active properties, CBD derived from hemp does not!

To help you better understand, your endocannabinoid system has receptors spread throughout your body, CB1 receptor & CB2 receptor. 

THC is a compound that binds to the CB1 receptor, it is also activated by the natural cannabinoids that exist in your body.

CB2 receptor is linked more to the function & response of your immune system, & is triggered when there is inflammation.

Isolated CBD, an oil-soluble compound that allows for cellular penetration, can activate your endocannabinoid receptors, without actually binding to them.

CBD activates a wellness response from your skin & body minus the psychoactive side-effects or controversy.

CBD Key Benefits –

  • Boosts Cell Vitality
  • Time-Released Anti-Inflammatory Action 

CBD helps support youthful, healthy, radiant looking skin!

Click here to view the CBD Collection.

Click here to watch the CBD in skin care explained video.

Click here to learn more about the Professional Skin Awakening Cannabis CBD Facial Treatment.

Nature Pure CBD Isolate Concentrated Product SPOTLIGHT –

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