More Skin Hydration Please!

Today’s Ingredient Spotlight is on Sodium PCA. Sodium PCA, is a gentle light-weight fantastic humectant, it pulls moisture from the air to the skin for added hydration. Sodium PCA is also an incredible emollient: it works to soothe & moisturize the skin. The technical term for Sodium PCA is sodium salt of pyroglutamic carboxylic acid, … Read more

Forget Dry Skin!

Uncomfortable tightness, peeling & even itchiness are just some of the symptoms of overly dry skin. Not to mention that dry skin that lacks proper nourishment & moisture, is more susceptible to premature wrinkles & skin aging. Keeping the skin looking healthy & youthful requires a holistic approach. Check out Monday’s post for 3 awesome … Read more

HYA Your Skin to the Next Level

HYA! Is the sound you make when smashing down a wooden board to breakthrough to the next level. HYA, is also the first three letters of the ingredient, Hyaluronic Acid, also known as HA. With cooler months creeping upon us, skin dryness is on the horizon for many of us, especially if you have thinner skin. If you haven’t … Read more

Skin Hydration Tips to Keep Your Skin Quenched

What comes to your mind when you think about hydrated skin? Is it dewy skin, or thirsty skin or do you go as far as imagine a big round water molecule just splurging against your skin? Hydrated skin is ideally satisfied from both the inside and out. Tip #1  Drink at least 6-8 glasses of … Read more

Age is just a number, seriously…

Does it really matter how old… let me rephrase, does it really matter how young you are? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! You are as young as you let yourself be.  As the cliche saying goes, “age is just a number,” but seriously aren’t there people that you know who are so young & yet you constantly hear … Read more

Collagen is the name, enhanced skin volume is the game!

The biggest question that comes to mind when we think about collagen is, what’s the hype about, and how does it actually serve our greater age-defying mission? Collagen are fibers that hold the cellular matrix together, in other words collagen binds cellular tissue in the epidermis allowing for firm & elastic skin.  Collagen, along side … Read more

An Apple a Day Will Peel Your Wrinkles Away

Happy National Apple Day! Did you know that MALIC ACID, one of the milder alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) is derived from apples. Malic acid is one of the larger dicarboxylic acid molecules. It does not penetrate as deep as the glycolic or lactic acid, making it a gentler alpha hydroxy acid option, great even for the … Read more

Keep Your Summer Glow, D’s Got You

Have you heard?!?! Now that summer is over your skin is craving Vitamin D like never before to maintain that summer glow. Vitamin D is naturally synthesized by the body when we’re exposed to UV light, but a Vitamin D deficiency is very common among many people, especially during the colder months. If you are … Read more

P is for Peptides & Plumping Up Your Skin!

Peptides are most commonly known for boosting collagen production. Based on studies, peptides promote skin elasticity & firmness, increase microcirculation, strengthen capillaries & boost cell metabolism. There are various types of peptides. To simplify, peptides are amino acid chains, which are essentially proteins, but over time the aging process causes protein & cell degradation. According … Read more

Tips for Healthy Luscious Lips

2 Essential Tips for Healthy Luscious Lips, but FIRST…its important to understand lip basics. Lips have the fewest layers of skin than anywhere else on the body causing them to be quite transparent. Evidently, the red pigment we see is actually the pigment created by all of the vessels and capillaries that we see right … Read more

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