Back-to-School 5 Must-Haves!

Although back-to-school season may look a little different this year for many following the COVID-9 pandemic, what certainly does not change is that back-to-school means back to some level of school stress. To add to this, we also now have something new, it’s known as maskne aka mask-acne. Acne caused by the sweating and friction … Read more

Australian Tea Tree Oil Ingredient Spotlight on Acne

Tea tree oil is abundant with terpinen-4-ol and cineole, responsible for the potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the oil. Tea tree oil has demonstrated antioxidant traits, but most importantly an ability to combat a full spectrum of bacterial, fungal, viral and even protozoal infections that affect the body. Papules, pustules and comedones that accompany … Read more

FIRE & ICE 30 Minutes to Heavenly Results Starter

30 Minutes FIRE & ICE Skin Transformation Approximate Time (30 minutes) In today’s fast-paced culture achieving immediate visible results is simply a must! In just 30 minutes, achieve remarkable skin regeneration and stimulation with effective boosting, brightening, facial contouring and deep moisturizing. 1. Resveratrol Dose I – Cleanse. Mix several pumps of Black Currant Creamy Cleanser … Read more

Super Powers of Soy…What?!

If you haven’t yet heard, please scoot in a little closer, SOY HAS SUPER POWERS!   Over the last decade the conversation around soy has been all wrong, it’s not about whether or not soy is good for us rather it’s really a matter of whether the soy is pure & natural or genetically modified. … Read more

Don’t settle for less than having the skin of your dreams!

Your skin goes through different phases, breakouts, acne, dark spots, dryness, fine lines, loss of elasticity, sagging and what eventually evolves into deeper wrinkles, dull and mature looking skin, but you don’t have to just let it take its course.  The appearance and wellness of your skin is very much in your hands, its what … Read more

Hemp For Holistic Healing

Did you know that July is National Hemp Month? Since the beginning of time, plant life has played a powerful role in being a source of sustenance and healing. Cannabis sativa is one such plant, and although it is widely known for its psychoactive properties, with a tweak of the strain, it becomes a darling of the … Read more

Why Should You SELF-MASSAGE?

Massage beholds many benefits for the skin. Top 2 wellness benefits are that massaging your skin increases blood circulation, which is essential for carrying oxygen & nutrients throughout the skin and body. Second, it promotes lymphatic drainage, this helps support immunity, and alleviate swelling such as in the jaw area that can cause a double … Read more

Soy In Skin Care

Soybeans are one of nature’s best-kept secrets to maintaining healthy,youthful skin. Many Asian populations live on a soy-based diet, consumingup to 300 milligrams of soy a day. They also have significantly lower incidentsof skin conditions, cardiovascular disease, prostate, uterus and breast cancer,osteoporosis and even hot flashes than any other population in the world. Inaddition, the … Read more

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