2015 – It’s Nice to Meet You

A new year means a time when we can reset ourselves and either pick up the positive track where we left off in the previous year, or to choose to set a new plan and make moves that will get us on the path that we endeavor for ourselves. My name is Victoria Tabak, I … Read more

EMU OIL : The Facts

Improving your immune system through the skin sounds pretty great, doesn’t it, well that is just one of the many benefits of emu oil.   Origin Emu Oil of Australian origin has been a traditional remedy originally used for medicinal purposes in that region of the world. Today it has transitioned to be a modern … Read more

How I LOVE my Fruits

Did you know that alpha hydroxy acids essentially are fruit acids?  Why AHA? These wonderful fruit acids are one of the most effective ways of brightening the skin.  Brightens pigmentation due to blemishes or sun spots Retexturizes skin to smooth uneven texture and even fine lines, wrinkles and skin tone Moisturizes and nourishes skin to … Read more

The Rare Omega 7

Hippophae berries, a gift from Mother Nature, also known as sea buckthorn are nature’s exclusive supplier of the  rare Omega-7 fatty acid with powerful anti-aging abilities among many digestive and urinary tract health benefits. Hippophae berries are also most densely concentrated with other antioxidants and substances supplying skin with Vitamin C,Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Folic Acid, Carotenoids, Omega-9, Omega-6, Omega-3,Quinic Acid, Malic Acid, and Flavonoids.  Studies have … Read more

The Surprising Connection Between Dehydration, Caffeine, Energy Levels and Cellulite

We all experience days when exhaustion seems to take over. Did you know that one of the top reasons for daytime fatigue is dehydration? In this post we will explore the significance of staying hydrated and uncover some surprising facts about caffeine – including its beneficial use in treating cellulite. The Impact of Dehydration on … Read more

Taking Care of Your Skin At Home 101

The best gift we can offer our skin is a consistent daily necessary pampering, in return our skin will look youthful and vibrant and will consistently resist the natural process of aging, which of course is inevitable but we can most definitely significant slow that process. Most importantly keep in mind that our face is our walking … Read more

With Love, Your Virtual Esthetician

I would first like to begin by expressing to you my deep gratitude for the opportunity to be with you on your journey of looking and feeling your very best. Skin health and wellness is a lifestyle that is developed through the choices that we make, including developing certain habits like what we eat and … Read more

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