Do you examine yourself regularly for breast cancer?

Did you know that breast cancer related deaths fell 40% from 1989 to 2016 among women due to awareness & early detection.

Unfortunately, in recent years the numbers have increased, and more so among a younger demographic of women less then 50 years of age, according to the American Cancer Society.

???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????! Do you examine yourself routinely, at least once a month?

Please let this be a reminder for you, to devote time to yourself, to take care of yourself first, examine yourself regularly & if something ever seems off contact your healthcare professional.

Help us continue to raise awareness & support continued breast cancer research.

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Soothe, hydrate & nourish your skin all month long not just to look radiant but also for a greater cause. ???????????????????????? Strawberry-Kiwi Gel Masque to ???????????? ????????????!

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