What exactly is CIT? Micro-Needling Debriefed

CIT is an acronym for collagen induction therapy, which is exactly the functionality of the NATPURE® CIT Roller & in this matter, any other micro-needling treatment or technology.  CIT ROLLER MUST-KNOW FACTS Removes old collagen fibers & rapidly stimulates new collagen growth.  Clears blocked pores & stimulates blood flow.  Dramatically increases the effectiveness of skin … Read more

Skin Hydration Tips to Keep Your Skin Quenched

What comes to your mind when you think about hydrated skin? Is it dewy skin, or thirsty skin or do you go as far as imagine a big round water molecule just splurging against your skin? Hydrated skin is ideally satisfied from both the inside and out. Tip #1  Drink at least 6-8 glasses of … Read more

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