Cannabis in Skin Care in a Nutshell!

CBD also known as cannabidiol is extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant species which includes marijuana & hemp. Unlike with marijuana, where THC also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, has psycho-active properties, CBD derived from hemp does not! To help you better understand, your endocannabinoid system has receptors spread throughout your body, CB1 receptor & CB2 receptor.  … Read more

Awakening CBD Eye Cream

Refresh the skin around the eyes for an all-day renewed youthful appearance. The powerhouse luxurious nutrient-rich vegan holistic blend of 120mg 0f 99.84% CBD isolate, Cannabis Sativa, Vitamin A, E and F, Licorice, Green Tea, White Tea, Milk Thistle, Guarana Seed, and Spirulina are high in cell repairing antioxidants and omegas. Hyaluronic Acid superbly moisturizes … Read more

Skin Awakening Cannabis Renewal Facial Treatment Protocol

HIGHLIGHTS Anti-Inflammatory benefits that work to alleviate redness or skin irritation. High dose of anti-oxidants and omegas to nourish the skin. Instant glow and enhancement of complexion. Age prevention and age management to combat wrinkles. Step-by-Step Treatment Protocol Treatment Bundle Options  SKIN AWAKENING CANNABIS RENEWAL FACIAL PACKAGE MODIFIED SKIN AWAKENING CANNABIS RENEWAL FACIAL PACKAGE  WITH … Read more

Hemp For Holistic Healing

Did you know that July is National Hemp Month? Since the beginning of time, plant life has played a powerful role in being a source of sustenance and healing. Cannabis sativa is one such plant, and although it is widely known for its psychoactive properties, with a tweak of the strain, it becomes a darling of the … Read more

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