What To Expect About Rosacea During Menopause

The most common symptoms of rosacea, a chronic skin condition, include redness found in the center of the face, especially on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin area, and heightened sensitivity. To add, when a woman enters the significant dynamic stages of menopause in her life, hormonal fluctuations and other various physiological changes often can … Read more

Holy Grail Ingredient for Sensitive or Redness Prone Skin

If you are wondering what is the best botanical ingredient to help with sensitive or inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea, LISTEN UP!   ARNICA MONTANA FLOWER ????   The delicate yellow flower, is considered part of the sunflower family & is native to mountainous areas of Europe where the climates are moderate.   Arnica is … Read more

Rosacea Skin 101: What You Can Do Naturally Through A Holistic Approach to Control the Symptoms

Frequent redness in the center of the face, focused-in on the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin area, sensitivity, and irritated ruddy appearance are usual symptoms of rosacea. April is ROSACEA awareness month! Rosacea is an extremely complex skin disease that is continuously being researched by scientists, who still have not been able to indefinitely claim … Read more

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